10 Health Benefits and Benefits of Cinnamon Trunks (kulit kayu manis) for Our Body

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 29 Okt 2022, 22:10:31 WIB tumbuhan
10 Health Benefits and Benefits of Cinnamon Trunks (kulit kayu manis) for Our Body

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10 Health Benefits and Benefits of Cinnamon Trunks (kulit kayu manis) for Our Body

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City. Cinnamon is a plant belonging to the genus Cinnamomun. In ancient Egypt, this plant was often used as a medicinal plant and was almost considered a panacea. Medieval doctors also often used this wood as a remedy for sore throats, coughs and arthritis. Not only that, the bark is also used as an embalming material.

The distribution of cinnamon plants is quite wide because it can grow in its home country, namely the Caribbean, South America and also in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, this woody plant is very easy to find, especially in the forests of Sumatra. Although it is quite easy to find, this healthy wood is considered one of the valuable natural resources and was even highly sought after during the colonial era.

Physically, cinnamon sticks are not much different from the stems of other plants. Only, the bark is thicker. The bark is then scraped off and then dried in the sun to dry so that it is shaped like a reddish brown roll.

In the modern era like today, the use of cinnamon bark as medicine has decreased. Many people turn to doctor's medicines because they are considered more effective. As a result, cinnamon is only used as a complementary seasoning for cooking. In fact, cinnamon sticks have enormous benefits and properties for health. Some of the benefits of cinnamon sticks are as follows.

1.Control blood sugar

The first benefit of cinnamon sticks is to control blood sugar. Drinking water steeped in the bark of this plant is believed to be able to lower blood sugar because it is able to inhibit alpha-glucosidase. The compounds that are able to inhibit the alpha-glucosidase are caffeine and cinnamate.

2. Heal ulcers or boils

Cinnamon stems contain compounds that are able to fight H. Pylori, a pathogen that causes ulcers or ulcers. In addition, the antioxidants in it are also able to accelerate the healing of ulcers and ulcers.

3.Source of nutrition

Cinnamon bark also contains fiber, calcium and iron although in small amounts. Even so, cinnamon is enough to help meet your daily nutritional needs if consumed in the right dose.

4. Nourish the content

Cinnamon bark contains cinnamaldehyde compounds, which are compounds that can increase progesterone and decrease testosterone. This kind of nature will balance the reproductive hormones so that women become more fertile.


5. Streamlining menstruation

Because it is able to balance reproductive hormones, cinnamon sticks can also facilitate the menstrual cycle. This also applies to accelerate the shedding of menstrual blood.

6. Lower cholesterol

Cinnamon bark is believed to be able to reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood without lowering levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Cinnamon's ability to shed fat also accelerates its function as a lowering of cholesterol levels.

7. Arthritis or rheumatic pain

Research conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine shows that cinnamon can relieve arthritis or joint pain due to rheumatism.

8. Dealing with neuro degenerative problems

Journal of the University Of Texas states that cinnamon bark extract can treat neuro-degenerative problems, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and meningitis. This is because cinnamon contains sufficient amounts of cytokinins.


Another very little known benefit of cinnamon sticks is to fight the HIV virus. The University Of Texas Journal also stated that, 'the extracts that were most effective against HIV-1 and HIv-2 were cinnamon stick extract or cinnamon and cardiospermum helicacabum, respectively'.

10.Healthy heart

Because it can lower cholesterol levels, you can also prevent coronary heart disease. Not only that, the anti-inflammatory properties of this plant are also very effective in preventing infection and damage to the heart blood vessels.

SOURCE: https://www.khasiat.co.id/batang/kayu-manis.html



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