Benefits of Papaya seeds for health

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 23 Jan 2023, 05:28:29 WIB tumbuhan
Benefits of Papaya seeds for health

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KANGJO.NET, Kelua City. As reported by When cutting papaya, usually the seeds are immediately removed. In fact, the benefits of papaya seeds are very good for health!

Here are some of the benefits of papaya seeds:

• Fiber

• Flavonoids

• Polyphenols

• Oleic acid

Let's discuss further the benefits of papaya seeds for health:

1. Fight Free Radicals

The benefits of papaya seeds can help the body overcome free radicals. Papaya seeds are rich in antioxidant polyphenols and flavonoids.

These antioxidants can be useful to fight various free radicals that we often encounter every day.

2. Protects the Body from Infection

Antioxidants are important in the function of papaya seeds for health. Antioxidants can help protect the body from common infections, such as colds and coughs, as well as many other chronic diseases.

However, further research is needed to confirm the benefits of these papaya seeds.

3. Maintain Kidney Health

Research shows that consuming papaya seeds can maintain and protect kidney health and function.

In one study, papaya seed extract helped prevent toxin-induced kidney damage in mice. These black seeds are also high in antioxidants that can prevent oxidative damage to cells and protect kidney function.

However, since studies are still being conducted on animals, more human studies are needed.

4. Maintain Intestinal Health

Certain studies state that there are enzymes in papaya seeds that can kill bacteria and parasites in the intestines. These enzymes are called proteolytic.

Eating foods that contain these enzymes can keep your digestive organs healthy.

5. Helps Streamlining the Digestive System

The benefits of papaya seeds for further health are healthy digestion. This comes from the fiber content.

In addition to the enzymes contained in it, papaya seeds are high in fiber which can help facilitate the digestive system.

6. Lowering the Risk of Obesity

With the high fiber in papaya seeds, this content can help make the body feel full faster and feel full longer.

Therefore, the amount of food intake will be maintained so that it can help reduce the risk of obesity.

7. Help Fight Fungal Infections

Studies show that papaya seeds can help the body deal with certain types of fungal and parasitic infections. From these studies, three strains of fungi can be resisted by papaya seed extract.

Even so, large-scale research is still needed regarding the benefits of this one papaya seed.

8. Potential to be Anticancer

Several studies show papaya seeds have the potential to be anticancer. One test-tube study found that papaya seed extract reduced inflammation and slowed cancer growth.

Other studies have shown that papaya seeds reduce and inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Although promising, other research is still needed regarding the benefits of papaya seeds in cancer conditions.

9. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

You want to reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body? Know, the function of papaya seeds can help in this regard.

The seeds of this one fruit contain a lot of oleic acid. This content is very effective in reducing LDL.

Despite having good benefits, papaya seeds can also cause certain side effects. That's why, not many are advised to be consumed.

Some early studies have found that papaya seeds are at risk of interfering with fertility, especially in men. There are also other studies that say papaya seeds have the potential to cause cell damage.



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