What Are the Benefits of Dollar Leaves?
![What Are the Benefits of Dollar Leaves?](https://www.kangjo.net/asset/foto_berita/daun_dolar_5.jpg)
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KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong, Indonesia. Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves have nothing to do with foreign currencies as we know them. This type of leaf is actually known as the Javanese leaf. The Dollar (Ficus pumila) plant originates from Africa which can live in dry, waterless soil types. This makes it easy for many Indonesians to grow it because it's not too much of a hassle. Did you know that Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves themselves have many benefits and properties for health?
The Dollar (Ficus pumila) plant is a unique plant that grows elongated. The leaves are oval in shape with green and yellow on the sides. It is small in size and has a smooth surface. Dollar (Ficus pumila) plants also have flowers, that's why if this plant is categorized as a flowering plant. You can grow Dollar (Ficus pumila) plants at home and can use the leaves for body health. Diseases that interfere with health can be treated with this leaf.
In order not to misunderstand the benefits and efficacy of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves, we provide a detailed explanation of some of the uses of these leaves for your health. Here is the information.
1. Healthy digestion
The first efficacy of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves is as a leaf that is very healthy for digestion. These leaves have compounds that nourish your digestive system and will make it run smoother.
2. Anti diarrhea
The benefits of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves in digestion are also effective for dealing with diarrheal diseases. These leaves will help your body fight diarrhea and prevent it from coming back to attack your health.
3. Treat hemorrhoids
Efficacy of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves can be relied upon to treat hemorrhoids. This leaf is a type of leaf with a combination of healthy natural compounds to treat hemorrhoids, so it is very suitable to be given to people with this disease.
4. Overcoming diarrhea
The benefits of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves are able to overcome diarrhea. Diarrhea is a digestive disease that makes your stomach churn. This one leaf is useful for neutralizing your bowel habits and curing diarrhea.
5. Anti oxidant
Another efficacy of Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves that is no less special is that it can be a powerful anti-oxidant. These leaves have many anti-oxidant compounds that are good for the body so that the effects of free radicals can be prevented early on.
6. Prevent cancer
In addition to natural anti-oxidants, Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves are powerful cancer prevention leaves. The benefits of this leaf will get into your cells and protect them from cancer cells that spread throughout the body.
7. Smooth CHAPTER
Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves won't make your bowel movements difficult. These leaves will actually make your bowel movements smoother. Smooth bowel movements certainly will not interfere with the health of your digestive organs.
8. Healthy intestines
Get a healthy gut by using Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves. This leaf is very good for improving your intestinal health naturally without side effects that harm the digestive system.
9. Good for the stomach
A healthy stomach is the key to healthy digestion too. If your stomach is currently bothered by a disease, you can try to cure it with Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves.
10. Anti-bacterial
Bacteria in your body can be expelled with Dollar (Ficus pumila) leaves. This leaf has a powerful anti-bacterial content to kill the types of bad bacteria that will trigger disease in your body. The body will also be protected from diseases caused by bacteria.
SOURCE : https://www.khasiat.co.id/daun/Dollar (Ficus pumila).html