What are the benefits of Miana leaves?

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KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Mayana leaves may not be known by many or are still foreign to our ears. These leaves are also called by various names, such as iler leaves, kotok jawer leaves, and others. The leaves, which have the Latin name Coleus Scutellarioides, have many benefits and properties for the body, especially for herbal medicinal ingredients.
This plant may also be suitable for ornamental plants to decorate the home garden because the color is very beautiful. In addition, this plant is also used by herbalists to make concoctions used to treat various diseases. And none other than because of the content in the leaves that can cure various kinds of diseases.
The content of miana leaves;
· Carvacrol
· Eugenol
· Calcium
· Tannins
· Philosterol
· Ethyl salicylate
· Oxalate
· And many more
With so many ingredients in this ornamental plant, it is not surprising that many herbal experts use it for treatment. And to make herbal medicine from miana leaves is very easy, and you can make it yourself at home.
How to make herbal medicine from miana leaves;
·Take a few leaves to taste for one drink, and take the young and still fresh
Then you wash the leaves until they are completely clean
Then prepare 3 to 4 glasses of water and put it in a heating pot
· Then also enter the leaves that you have cleaned
·You can also mix it with leaves or other natural ingredients that are specific to cure the disease you are suffering from
· Then you cook the water and the leaves in the pot until it really boils, leaving only one glass of cooking water
·You can mix it with pure honey or rock sugar to make it even more delicious to drink
At least once a day drink this decoction or you can also consult with an herbal expert first
By consuming it regularly and regularly according to the disease you are suffering from, you will be able to feel the benefits of this miana leaf later. And here are various kinds of diseases that can indeed be cured by drinking this leaf boiled water. And bisaga to prevent disease.
1. Treat diabetes
Maybe you have to remove rock sugar as a mixture, so it would be better if you consume miana leaf boiled water without any mixture. Or you can also mix it with leaves like Ceria or bay leaves, whose function is to reduce sugar.
2. Treat hemorrhoids
This disease is one of the categories of diseases of the digestive system, so the pain caused when defecating. This is due to swelling in the digestive system, using miana leaves will relieve inflammation that occurs in the painful digestive area.
3. Reduce fever
At least drinking at night or before going to bed will reduce fever in the morning. Because the content in the leaves does function to lower the temperature in the body.
4. Treat cough
Boiled water from miana leaves will be more efficacious when you experience cough symptoms and this is an excellent form of prevention. However, if you already have a cough, such as coughing up phlegm or dry cough, you can also make herbal medicine to relieve coughing and the pain caused by the cough itself.
5. Treat stomach pain
Pain in the stomach can also be caused by bacteria in the stomach or it can also be due to colds. By consuming boiled water from miana leaves, it will treat pain or pain in the stomach.
6. Treat constipation
Constipation or constipation can be caused by various things, and one of them is a bad diet and also bad food intake too. By drinking the boiled water of miana leaves regularly, at least once a day, it will relieve stomach discomfort.
7. Treating flu
This one disease will usually be accompanied by a feeling of fever or high heat during the flu. As a prevention, you can drink boiled water from miana leaves to relieve fever and also cure flu.
8. Treat boils
Apart from boiling, you can also use other methods to cure this skin disease. You can heat the miana leaves over hot coals or you can use the stove, but don't let the leaves burn. After it feels warm you can immediately put it on your boil. And at least once to twice a day treating it, the boil will dry and peel faster.
9. Menstruation
Not only menstruation that is not smooth, but menstrual cycles that often change can also be treated by using miana leaves. By consuming the boiled water of the leaves, it will launch menstruation, regulate the menstrual cycle, and also prevent pain during menstruation.
10. Treat red eyes
You can treat red eyes which can be caused by various things, from irritation to due to a collision. You can also treat it by drinking boiled water from miana leaves. Once to twice a day to restore the bright color of the eyes and also eliminate inflammation that occurs around the eyes.
11. Treat typhus
One of the diseases that can be caused by bacteria in the body can also be cured by consuming miana leaves. Drink the boiled water at night before going to bed or it could be in the morning.
12. Antidote free radicals
One of the great properties of this leaf is being able to ward off free radicals that could be caused by air pollution and others. Even free radicals are also one of the causes of the growth of cancer cells in the body. By consuming miana leaves, it will fortify the body from free radicals which can lead to the growth of various diseases.
SUMBER: https://bolmong.pikiran-rakyat.com