What are the benefits of Moringa Leaves?

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 04 Apr 2023, 04:54:14 WIB tumbuhan
What are the benefits of Moringa Leaves?

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KANGJO. NET, Kelua City of  Tabalong. Moringa leaves are leaves that come from the Moringa plant. This type of Moringa plant is quite high, which can reach 12 meters. The color of the flowers is white with a refreshing fragrance. Moringa leaves themselves are similar to lime leaves with a small green round size. Research that has been done for a long time says that the stems, leaves and seeds of Moringa have many unexpected benefits for the health and strength of the body.

Observations on Moringa leaves prove that these leaves contain almost all types of amino acids that are good for the body. The nutritional content in these leaves, such as vitamins C, A, calcium, potassium, protein, and iron, will increase if processed by drying or powdered. That is why many moringa leaves are made in powder packages to make it easier for users to deal with various disease complaints.

In order not to misunderstand the benefits and efficacy of Moringa leaves, we provide a detailed explanation of some of the uses of this leaf for your health. Here is the information.


1. Medicine for heart disease

The first efficacy of Moringa leaves is to protect the heart. These leaves will prevent the arrival of heart disease that will attack your body. A healthy heart will nourish other parts of your body too.


2. Anti-cancer

The special efficacy of Moringa leaves is as a cancer prevention. You can get the benefits of this leaf until it enters the body's cells so that it can expel damaged cells that trigger cancer.


3. Prevent diabetes

The benefits of Moringa leaves for those of you who are diagnosed with diabetes are also very reliable. This one leaf is worth trying as a treatment ingredient in preventing diabetes such as diabetes.


4. Coping with allergies

The benefits of Moringa leaves for allergy sufferers are to reduce the symptoms of allergies in your body. The content of compounds in these leaves will help the body respond to something so it does not cause health problems.


5. Heal festering wounds

The benefits of Moringa leaves as an external medicine are very suitable to be used as a wound healer, especially festering wounds. These leaves will help the body to stop the pus first then speed up the drying of the wound.


6. Cure eye disease

Moringa leaves are also efficacious in curing several eye diseases or eye infections. The benefits of this leaf not only make your eyes healthier but also help your eyes stronger so they don't get sick again.


7. Arthritic drugs

Rheumatic diseases, joint pain and also rheumatic pain can be overcome by using Moringa leaves. The substance content in these leaves is able to enter your joints and then cure the symptoms of pain.


8. Overcoming jaundice

Another disease that can be treated with Moringa leaves is jaundice. This leaf has a good combination of substances or compounds to be used as medicine to treat jaundice that attacks your body.


9. Treat worms

Moringa leaves are also useful for treating intestinal worms, especially in children who often experience this disease due to lack of attention in maintaining body hygiene and environmental cleanliness.


10. Lose weight

Moringa leaves can be useful as a natural ingredient in losing weight. This one leaf will prevent the accumulation of fat and calories in your body, so it does not cause body obesity.


SOURCE : https://www.khasiat.co.id/daun/kelor.html



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