What are the benefits of papaya?

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 28 Jan 2023, 09:25:46 WIB tumbuhan
What are the benefits of papaya?

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What are the benefits of papaya?

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. As reported by https://www.khasiat.co.id

Papaya is a fruit that is rich in vitamins. The content of vitamin A in this fruit is very abundant. The taste is also very good and fresh. No wonder so many people like to eat this one fruit. Papaya fruit is a fruit that lives in the tropics. You could say this papaya fruit is a fruit that is multifunctional considering that not only the fruit can be used, but almost all plants from this fruit can be used. Even papaya sap is also useful.

Behind the sweet taste of this papaya fruit, it turns out that this fruit has high use and economic value. The fruit, leaves and stems have or contain a milky white sap. Papaya sap contains protein-breaking enzymes or commonly known as papain. Usually these enzymes are used by pharmaceutical companies to make drugs. The benefits of papaya fruit sap are also very good for beauty. The content contained in it is used as a raw material for making cosmetics. As for the benefits and efficacy of papaya fruit sap that you must know are actually very many, especially for health. Here's the review…


1. Overcoming cracked heels

When it's hot or dry season, problems with heel health are disrupted, one of which is cracked heels. To prevent chapped, actually you do not need to buy expensive drugs. You simply use papaya fruit sap to prevent chapped that hit. Papaya fruit sap is rubbed on the heel and then left for 15 minutes and washed thoroughly. For effective results, you can apply it regularly every day.


2. Treating warts

Papillomas or warts are a disease similar to tumors on the skin. This is caused by excessive thickening of the skin. Usually if it's enlarged, the wart will change its shape like a cauliflower. To get rid of warts on the skin, you can apply this papaya sap every 3 hours.


3. Treat skin blisters

If the skin is blistered from being exposed to heat, then you can apply this papaya sap and leave it overnight. However, if the wound is large enough you can grate the head and apply it to the wound on your skin.


4. Treat toothache

Toothache can indeed affect anyone. Hygiene factor is one of the main causes. If the tooth hurts or feels other pain, then you can use this papaya sap to heal it. Take the sap of the young papaya fruit then drop it on the aching tooth.


5. Treat burns

The first thing that must be done when the skin is burned is to cool down. This applies since the first 30 minutes by sprinkling water. After that, take the papaya sap and gently apply it to the wound so that the burn doesn't get worse.


6. Eliminate acne

Acne is one of the problems on facial skin that can hit anyone. Appearance will be less than optimal if your skin has acne. Growing pimples will reduce your self-confidence and of course become uncomfortable. However, by utilizing papaya fruit sap, it is certain that acne that sticks to the face can be resolved easily. The way to apply it is also very easy, namely by applying it directly to the part of the face with acne.


7. Treat scars

Scars on the skin can slowly be removed, you know. How to? By utilizing papaya fruit sap, scars on the skin can disappear. Of course this is done by basting it regularly, of course.


8. Overcoming swollen acne

Papaya fruit sap is not only able to overcome pimples that stick to it. However, pimples that are already swollen can actually be deflated and disappear if they are smeared with papaya sap. You have to try.


9. Overcoming injuries to the heel

Problems with the heel can be solved quickly and easily by using rubber fruit sap. Not only cracked heels, but injured heels can also be cured with papaya sap.


10. Overcoming the symptoms of toothache

Problems with teeth or gums if not resolved quickly will indeed interfere with activities. Did you know that dental symptoms can be easily overcome by using papaya sap? You have to prove it.


SOURCE : https://www.khasiat.co.id/getah/fruit-pepaya.html




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