What are the benefits of Raw Garlic?

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 29 Mei 2023, 19:07:53 WIB tumbuhan
What are the benefits of Raw Garlic?

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KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Garlic is a cooking spice that must be present in every Indonesian food. However, do you know what are the benefits of eating raw onions for the body without mixing it with food?

Yes, apparently eating raw onions provides good benefits for the body. If you don't understand it, let's look at the following review.

Nutritional Content in Garlic

Garlic is a tuber that is very familiar to the people of Indonesia.

Besides being known as a cooking spice, did you know that garlic can actually provide more diverse benefits when eaten raw?

Most of these good benefits are found in some of the contents of garlic, including fiber, protein, manganese, vitamin C, selenium, calcium and antioxidants.

The benefits of eating raw garlic are also obtained from the sulfur compounds contained in it.

Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic for the Body

How to eat raw garlic may be unusual for some people, even though the benefits are quite a lot, you know.

So, what are the benefits of eating raw garlic? Here's an explanation.

1. Controls Blood Pressure

The results showed that the effect of raw garlic on reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure was almost the same as that of the drug atenolol.

These benefits come from the allicin content. In addition, the polysulfide content in garlic can widen blood vessels so that blood pressure can decrease.

2. Lowering Cholesterol

Furthermore, the efficacy of eating raw garlic can lower cholesterol.

This was found in a study which showed that the allicin content of garlic was able to inhibit enzymes that form cholesterol.

And uniquely, the allicin content which has a myriad of benefits can only be obtained if you consume garlic by grinding, crushing or chewing it.

3. Lowers Cancer Risk

Garlic contains active sulfur which is believed to reduce the risk of cancer cell formation while inhibiting its spread.

One study found that the benefits of eating raw garlic regularly can reduce the risk of several types of cancer, such as stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, prostate, and breast cancer.

4. Improves Physical Performance

The benefits of eating raw garlic on this one have been applied since ancient times.

These tubers are believed to be able to reduce fatigue and increase performance and physical capacity.

At that time, garlic was used to improve the physical performance of workers and athletics at the Ancient Greek Olympics.

5. Overcoming Acne

Again, the content of allicin in raw garlic which has antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties seems to be able to kill germs that cause acne.

In addition, these good properties also have the potential to relieve swelling and inflammation of the skin while increasing blood circulation which makes the skin look bright and flushed.

Garlic is also enriched with vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc, copper and selenium which are useful for controlling excess oil production.

The mineral and vitamin content in garlic can also help eradicate acne.

6. Maintain Brain Health

A study found that a carbohydrate derivative in garlic, known as FruArg, was able to protect brain cells against the effects of disease and aging.

In addition, FruArg also has the potential to reduce nitric oxide levels produced by microglial cells in the brain during the fight against inflammation and oxidative stress.

The reason is, excessive levels of nitric oxide in the brain are said to cause damage to brain cells.

Meanwhile, microglial cells have an important role in maintaining the health of the nervous system in the body.

Well, the benefits of eating raw garlic that you get from FruArg are able to multiply microglial cells without encouraging the production of nitric oxide levels in the brain, so that the two work in balance.

7. Against Inflammation, Coughs and Colds

The next benefit of eating raw garlic is to treat colds, inflammation, and coughs. These benefits are produced by sulfur compounds that are formed when garlic is chewed or crushed.

If you are experiencing flu symptoms, eating raw garlic is believed to reduce the severity of the symptoms and promote faster recovery.

8. Strengthens Bones

Among other onion families, garlic is believed to be the most effective in inhibiting bone loss which causes bone fragility.

Flavonoids obtained from the benefits of eating raw garlic can increase bone formation while slowing bone mineral loss.

The Right Way to Eat Raw Garlic

So that you can get the maximum benefits of garlic as above, it is recommended that you eat garlic raw.

Processing garlic into a food seasoning will actually reduce the important nutrients in it.

Therefore, it would be better if you chew raw with a frequency of 1-4 cloves every day.

However, the side effects of eating raw garlic also need to be considered by people who are taking the following medications:

· Isoniazid

· Taking birth control pills

· HIV/AIDS drugs

· Painkillers

· Blood thinners

So, if you want to consume garlic for medicinal purposes, it is better to consult a doctor first.

That's an explanation of the benefits of eating raw garlic for the body. Even though garlic is not usually consumed raw, don't ignore its good benefits, so there's nothing wrong with starting a healthy life by consuming it.

In addition to optimizing nutritional intake in food, in maintaining a healthy body, there's nothing wrong with doing routine checks.

SOURCE: https://www.siloamhospitals.com/formasi-siloam/artikel/untung-makan-bawang-putih-mentah










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