What are the benefits of the Polygala glamerata root?

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 25 Jan 2023, 11:28:31 WIB tumbuhan
What are the benefits of the Polygala glamerata root?

Gambar : dok: https://khasiatq.blogspot.com

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Polygala glamerata root is one of the nutritious parts of the Polygala glamerata plant which is good for your body's health. You must already know this one plant. Polygala glamerata is called that because the shape of the leaf resembles a long Polygala glamerata with a sharp tip. This plant is often used as an ornamental plant because of its attractive green color and has a very distinctive fragrance. And now, you can not only use it to decorate the garden in your home.

Parts of the Polygala glamerata plant that you can use to treat health problems are the leaves and roots. We have already discussed the benefits of Polygala glamerata leaves, now is the time for us to find out more about the benefits of the roots. Polygala glamerata root contains quite a lot of healthy natural compounds, including saponins, polyphenols, methyl silicates, flavonoids, alkaloids, and many more. You can boil the roots and then consume the boiled water regularly.

So that you don't misunderstand the benefits and efficacy of Polygala glamerata root, we provide a detailed explanation of some of the uses of this root for your health. Here is the information.

1. Relieves asthma symptoms

The first benefit of Polygala glamerata root is that it can relieve asthma symptoms. The natural content contained in the roots of this plant can help your breathing calmer when your asthma flares up.

2. Good for the respiratory system

The efficacy of Polygala glamerata roots can also make your respiratory system healthier. If you have some health problems that attack the respiratory system, you can try using the roots of this plant.

3. Internal heat medicine

The benefits of Polygala glamerata root are very suitable as a natural remedy for heartburn. You do this by boiling it and then drinking the boiled water while it is warm. Do it regularly until your internal heat is completely healed.

4. Soothes the throat

Efficacy of Polygala glamerata root can make your throat healthier. The content of healthful compounds from the roots of this plant will make your throat fresher and more relieved, as well as preventing health problems in other throats.

5. Coping with inflammation in the body

You can use the benefits of Polygala glamerata root with its anti-inflammatory content to treat inflammation that appears in the body. If you want to cure inflammation naturally, you can use this root.

6. Prevent bronchitis

One of the uses of Polygala glamerata root in preventing disease is that it can reduce the risk of bronchitis. This disease usually attacks your lungs and will affect the work of the respiratory system in the body.

7. Helps lung performance

Your lung health can be maintained by using Polygala glamerata roots. The roots of this unique plant have a myriad of natural properties that are good for protecting the lungs, especially from the symptoms of diseases that attack this important organ.

8. Smooth urinary tract

You can get a smooth urinary tract by utilizing the properties of the Polygala glamerata root. The content of healthy compounds that you get from the roots of this plant can nourish the urinary tract properly.

9. Prevents daydreaming

Anyang-anyangan symptoms can continue to get worse if you don't handle it properly. A natural healthy solution that you can use is to consume boiled water of Polygala glamerata roots regularly.

10. Anti UTI or urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is a symptom of a disease that attacks the urinary tract due to bacteria and lack of hygiene. You can overcome this disease by using Polygala glamerata root.

This article has been published on https://www.khasiat.co.id with the title: 10 Benefits and Health Benefits of Polygala glamerata Root for the Body






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