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Artikel Kategori "tumbuhan"

What are the benefits of Raw Garlic?

🕔19:07:53, 29 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Garlic is a cooking spice that must be present in every Indonesian food. However, do you know what are the benefits of eating raw onions for the body without mixing it with . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Peanut Skins?

🕔18:34:45, 19 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Have you ever imagined using peanut shells for something? For example to improve health? It seems that the majority of people have never imagined something like this. Because . . . 0

What Are the Benefits of Orange Peel?

🕔18:26:11, 19 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. When consuming fruit, most people will remove the skin, including when consuming citrus fruits. In fact, orange peel contains active compounds that are very good for the health of the . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Corn Husk?

🕔18:16:56, 19 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Corn is a plant that is very familiar to most of us. Corn is usually cultivated by farmers to take the seeds, the seeds can be used as raw materials for snacks or other . . . 0

What Are the Benefits of Avocado Skins?

🕔10:30:30, 19 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Most people know the fruit Avocado as a fruit that is rich in benefits. Usually, this fruit, which has other names as apricot and avocado, is only used for its pulp, seeds . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Oyster Mushrooms?

🕔15:49:25, 06 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Oyster mushroom is a type of mushroom that is often consumed. This type of mushroom is white with a fairly wide size. Oyster mushrooms are often used as a lot of processed food, . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Western Mushroom (Clitocybe nebularis)?

🕔06:01:23, 05 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City Of Tabalong. Western mushrooms (Clitocybe nebularis)  are considered the most delicious mushrooms. It tastes really delicious beyond the delicious meat. Initially, this mushroom grew . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Gambir Sap?

🕔05:07:55, 03 Mei 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City Of  Tabalong. The gambier plant is a plant that has the Latin name uncaria gambir roxb. This plant originally comes from Sumatra and Kalimantan. Several countries outside were also . . . 0

What are the Benefits of Suruhan Leaves (Peperomia pellucida)?

🕔06:09:13, 29 Apr 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kalua City Of Tabalong. Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida ) leaves are also known as water ride leaves. This is because the shape of the leaves is quite wide and looks like it can hold rainwater. The . . . 0

What are the benefits of Miana leaves?

🕔18:37:33, 15 Apr 2023 - Oleh : JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM

KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Mayana leaves may not be known by many or are still foreign to our ears. These leaves are also called by various names, such as iler leaves, kotok jawer leaves, and others. . . . 0